
about me

im obsessed with telling people about me
i don't think i got or get enough attention
this will be the first birth where my brother who just so happens has the exact same bday isnt here
i rebel in the face of change
i put things off dangerously close to do the deadline
I applied for NAU and got accepted(again smh)
so now i have to look for a flagstaff apartment and job because i really want to be in there hygeine program and i already talked to there director and all my credits and extern hours will transfer so thats good
i afraid of success.......
i hate bad news i mean who doesnt but i avoid it at all cost my heart sinks and i refuse to believe it even if its right there in my face and i try to look for and excuse or reasoning behind it
i believe god has a plan for me
latey ive been out of touch i dont really have the urge to shop or etc maybe because i dont have to $ and window shopping only fun if theres a possibilty of getting it
i stil havent got new glasses
dot dot dot i carry my son everywhere hes a spoiled mamas boy
i think looking someone in the eye is intimate
im practical
i finnaly stood up this bully in my class lol she was to confrontational/agressive/bitchy for my taste so i gave it right back she got the hint and now leaves me be
i would like to be analyzed

so from my blog what i told you or just the impression how do i come off as??//// good or bad i'd like to know as well as if you ave any suggesting advice or reccomendations for me


  1. Aww. I love you even more!
    I carry my son every where too.
    I'm mama kangaroo and he's my lil' joey
    Haha ..

    Seriously I wish we could meet in person
    We would most def be bffs

  2. NO she has a bff sorry. But anyway La I'm soooo proud of you that you got into NAU! I cant believe this I'm so proud of you(: I love you! Its okay that Zion is a mamas boy cuz he's gonna be a great man and the world is due for a couple!

