
32 weeks 2 days

Some people say I'm small some people say I'm ready to pop sigh stfu I'm growing in proportion to my body :) I officially have 7 wks and 5 days to go Whoo hoo so excited my baby shower is coming up on the 21st ugh I'm so not going to worry about it because after all the point is for the mom being stress free and some one else hosting it while I'm the guest of honor

Geez I so don't know who to invite

Anyways I'm so in love with this grey hat or any head piece (great for bad hair days!:))



* Currently experiencing "baby brain" frequently so excuse my post if they don't make sense,have grammer and or spelling errors .
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You're too cute. Pregnancy looks great for you : )

  2. who says being pregnant=bummy...you're stylin over there hun! loving it :) Congrats

  3. thanks so much ladies i try hard with these late nights(am) and early morning i refuse to be sloppy lol i don't play that shit pregnancy should be beautiful!:)

